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Your Event Needs a VIP Level Ticket

When holding an event and determining your ticket prices, it’s always a great idea to offer a VIP-level ticket. This can come in many different forms or have a variety of titles, but ultimately it's about an enhanced experience for this buyer. Better location in the room, extra gifts and benefits - perhaps even an opportunity for one-on-one time with you or other speakers.

Not only does this ultimately help your bottom line financially and cover all those expenses sooner, but it offers you many other benefits that can build your business even faster!

Here are the top 4 reasons you should consider a VIP-level ticket:

Identify your raving fans

If you want to know who your dedicated fans are, look no further than the buyers of your VIP option. Those that are willing to pay extra for some added benefits, attention, even face time with you or your offerings are those that already believe in you, your content and your programs. And the more special they feel, the more likely they are to refer you and your programs to their friends, family, anyone they think it might help! They become your walking billboards – basically free marketing that reaches new people and places for you!

Highly Convertible

Those willing to spend more for a VIP experience at your event have more potential to also commit to your other programs and offerings. As already noted, these are more likely to already be a fan of your work and have either already purchased some of your courses or products or have been seriously considering it. A great experience at your event can put them over that decision line to make a purchase for further education or help from you. Don’t miss this opportunity.

A Chance to Create A More Personal Experience

VIP-level tickets for your event can come with many additional benefits. Perhaps special seating, additional gifts, a special opportunity for one-on-one or small group time with you (or your featured guests or speakers). When attendees have a chance to connect in a more personal way to you or anyone who has offered information to help them or their business, they are more likely to put that information into action. They feel an added bond to you and your business and are more likely to support any future events or products you offer.

There Will Always Be Some People Who Want the Extras

They may not already be dedicated fans of yours, but there are always some people who will pay extra for the better seats and any other additional perks you include because they want the full experience.

Remember: Don’t hesitate to find a way to offer a few (or many!) extras so you can include a VIP-level ticket to your event. This helps you out not only with your event, but also in identifying your most-dedicated customers and gives you an opportunity to find out what they want and need, giving you the opportunity to serve those needs with future products and events.

Kelly Snider is an event professional dedicated to helping you make your event the best it can be! For information on coaching, consulting or our event courses for entrepreneurs, join our mailing list today or email

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