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The Glamour of Event Planning

Everyone always thinks that event planning is a glamourous job – filled with endless red carpets, fancy clothes, great shoes, open bars, Instagram-worthy food…you get the picture (see what I did there? Ha ha).

But the reality is that yes, it’s great fun - for the GUESTS.

For the planner or producer, it’s often an 18+ hour day from move in to having the last centrepiece and tablecloth cleaned up. It’s often a day filled of missed meals, suppliers not showing up on time and a myriad of mini-crises leaving you with about 5 minutes to get out of your set-up work clothes and into something party-worthy, only to be running around making sure everything is running on time, speakers and presenters are where they should be WHEN they should be, and the media are getting their soundbites and photos with the VIPs so that the event will get great press and increase demand for next year’s tickets.

So NOT glamourous.

However, events can be a lot of fun. They are better when you know some tips and tricks to save you time and money. And they are fantastic when you have some help from an expert and can trust that all those worrisome little details are in their capable hands so all you have to do is enjoy yourself.

That’s what we offer you here at Reflect Management. Tips and tricks to help you in the planning of your own events, an expert on hand for event day to free you up to be with your guests and focus on your business, or someone to take over everything for you – with your input of course.


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